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Sierra Summer Planning

I have a lot of things I'd like to do that are usually just abandoned, an open caltopo tab on my computer for months on end. Storing them here will be beneficial to the prep work for these trips, and to jog my memory! I've categorized them by trailhead. Links are HST pass info or trip reports where applicable.

This is sort of a living page as I update it through the winter. If I complete trips, I'll likely link to the TR but leave them here as well.

Onion Valley

Kings-Kern Divide Loop: OV - University Pass - Center Basin - Junction Pass - Shepherd Pass - Tyndall - Kern Headwaters - Lake South America - Harrison Pass - Lake Reflection - Vidette Meadows - University Saddle - OV: 39 mi, +/- 15,500'

I think this would be pretty heinous (Harrison), but would get to see some cool stuff. -4.5k' and +4.5k' in 12 miles blows.

Vidette Lakes Loop: OV - University Pass - Andy's Foot Pass (ice axe) - Harrison Pass - Deerhorn Saddle - Lake 11800 - Vidette Lakes - JMT - Kearsarge - OV: 24 mi, +/- 11,000'

This would be brutal. I want to get info on Andy's Foot (there is none on HST) and Stanford/Gregory are right there, but some of Bob Burd's challengers said some awful things about this exact route.

Gould Pass Loop: OV - Gould Pass - Glen - Kearsarge - OV. 17 mi, +/- 7k'.

A cute little loop for a short weekend, despite some general hesitancy around Gould Pass. Time will tell? More optimistic.


Lion & Triple Divide Loop: LP - Alta Peak - Moose Lake - Big Bird Lake - Coppermine Peak - Glacier Lake - Triple Divide Peak - Lion Rock - Lion Pass - Big Arroyo - HST - LP

This trip would be sweet. Class 3 ascents on Triple Divide Peak and Lion Rock, and some Class 3 sections on the Alta Peak traverse, but some really cool backcountry, some excellent peakbagging, and an easy cruise out via the HST to finish. I've been wanting to hit Tablelands and Lion Lake for a while now. Plus, none of the passes involved are known to be especially awful. 48 mi, +/- 19.5k'

Kaweah Loop: LP - Nine Lakes Basin - Pyra-Queen Col - Kaweah Pass - Chagoopa Plateau - HST - LP

Ok I'm gonna be honest-- this is probably significantly easier from Mineral King, and frankly, the opinions on Pyra-Queen and Kaweah aren't ... great. And the pictures of the Kaweah Basin aren't really thrilling. I don't know why I want to do this. But I do! 57 mi, +/- 20k'.

Road's End

North Guard Lake Loop: RE - Bubb's Creek - North Guard Lake - Unnamed Pass -Sphinx Lake - RE

Option to bag Farquhar (C2) and apparently the pass is an easy class 2 as well. Sphinx Lakes are maybe uneventful, but North Guard Lake is perhaps the hardest lake to reach in the Sierra. The climb from Bubbs to NG lake is nontrivial and is likely the crux of the whole thing.

Here's a Burd TR for NGL, including Farquhar, and here's a Leor for Sphinx.

17 mi, +/- 7k'

There's a larger version of this loop the next macro-drainages up: depart from East Lake toward the south saddle of Brewer, then take Brewer Pass, Cinder Col, and Sphinx Pass. Possible even to figure-8 this into a really cool route. The problem lies in connecting back to the East Lake drainage from the south. Maybe it's better at that point to go all the way through and connect via Lake Reflection? I don't think repeating the Ouzel Creek section is the most elegant way of closing the loop, though-- if there's a way to only climb out of the creek once, that would be ideal.

This maybe works-- chaining Longley Pass with Thunder Pass, McLeod Pass, and Thunder Ridge to close. It would be even better if I could do Longley twice, and instead of exiting via Ouzel, maybe climb Peak 12808 from the south and descend the northeast ridge, then bail via Sphinx.

I obviously have a bit of fixation with the Brewer group, but if I'm going to head out of Road's End, it seems silly to ignore such good access to such an untrailed gem. Also may as well bag Thunder.

There's a really cool route living in there somewhere-- I just need to figure out where!

Lake Sabrina / North Lake

Hermit Loop: NL - Lamarck Col - Evolution Basin - McGee Lakes - McGee Lakes Pass - Evolution Lakes - Lamarck Col (XC alt) - NL

Sounds like finding Lamarck from the south is a massive pain, but McGee Lakes Pass is missing on HST, and the Hermit is a cool little stretch of the woods. Plus, opportunity for better weather in Evolution this time!

26 mi, +/- 9k'



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I appreciate you reading! I hope it was fun, useful, or interesting.


The dream is that by running this blog, I can give those I care about a way to keep up to date with what I'm doing. Bonus points if someone stumbles across this and it helps them plan a trip or get into the outdoors. Always feel free to drop me a line if you've got questions about anything posted here!

Much love,


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